Whether you’re a high school student looking at colleges for the first time, or going for that degree later in life, there’s a big obstacle nearly all prospective students in the US face: high college tuition.

Student debt is daunting, and the cost of college keeps rising, but workers with Bachelors degrees still make thousands more each year on average than workers without a degree. More and more jobs require a minimum of a Bachelors degree to even be considered. Earning a Bachelors degree is still worth this investment, but the investment doesn’t have to be as costly as you think.

Here are three ways to save money on college that work:

1. Start in Community College and Transfer to University

Often, community colleges will partner with local colleges and universities to work out transfer tracks for their students to save money on their Bachelors degree. Students spend their first two years in community college completing their general courses, then transfer to the local college or university in their junior year to complete their degree.

2. CLEP Exams

These exams cost $87 a piece and for each exam you pass you earn three or more college credits. Students can use passing scores on CLEP exams to put them closer to degree completion by testing out of introductory level courses and getting college credit for what they aleady know. CLEPS are accepted by over 2,900 colleges and universities.

3. Get College Credit for Work Experience

If you’ve spent time in the workforce, you may be farther on your way to finishing your Bachelors degree than you think. If you clearly learned skills and developed your knowledge base on the job, you may be able to get your years of work experience converted into college credits to count towards your degree. To learn more, visit TheCareerPeople.com.


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